feeling confused?

Tarot readings and astrology readings are both forms of divination that can be used to gain insight into your life. However, they have different strengths and weaknesses, and they are best suited for different purposes.

Tarot readings are often used to gain insight into the present or the future. They can be used to answer questions about your relationships, your career, your health, or any other area of your life. Tarot readings can also be used to provide guidance and support during difficult times.

Astrology readings are often used to understand your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, and your potential. They can also be used to predict upcoming events and challenges. Astrology readings can be helpful for making decisions about your career, your relationships, and your overall well-being.

To book a tarot reading or astrological consultation with me, just click here.

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So, when is a tarot reading beneficial vs an astrology reading?

Tarot readings are beneficial when you are looking for guidance and support. They can be helpful for making decisions about your life, or for understanding a difficult situation.

Astrology readings are beneficial when you are looking for insight into your personality and potential. They can be helpful for understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and for charting the course to your highest potential.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which type of reading is right for you is to consider your own needs and goals. If you are looking for guidance and support, a tarot reading may be a good option for you. If you are looking for insight into your personality and potential, an astrology reading may be a better choice.

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